Scripture Reading: Letter of Paul to the Romans 12, 1-2
“I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”
In True Devotion to Mary N°61 Montfort wrote: “Jesus our Savior, true God and true man must be the ultimate end of all our other devotions; otherwise they would be false and misleading. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end of everything…For in him alone dwells the entire fullness of the divinity and the complete fullness of grace, virtue and perfection. In him alone we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing; he is the only teacher from whom we must learn; the only Lord on whom we depend; the only Head to whom we should be united and the only model that we should imitate. He is the only Physician that can heal us; the only Shepherd that can feed us; the only Way that can lead us; the only truth that we can believe; the only Life that can animate us. He alone is everything to us and he alone can satisfy all our desires.”
Montfort always looked for popular ways to awaken and stimulate conversion of heart and the return to an authentic baptismal spirituality. His constant desire was to help the baptized be aware of his relationship with Jesus-Christ. In his teaching, he put much emphasis on one’s baptism and the renewal of the baptismal commitment. He insisted on presenting it as a “consecration to Jesus-Christ.”
Pope Francis addressed us in these words: “We must re-awaken the memory of our baptism. At the same time, we are called to live out our baptismal commitment every day, as the actual reality of our existence.”
We ask ourselves this question: “How can my way of living the Consecration to Jesus through Mary, lead me on the path to sainthood by living lovingly and by offering a personal witness to those around me?”