Fundraiser to Support Montfort Centre Spiritual Programmes Outreach
You can help make the mission of the Montfort Centre accessible to more people. Support our upcoming fundraising dinner held at the ART restaurant, a training facility of the Assumption Pathway School co-located with Montfort Centre in the campus of Boys’ Town.
We deeply appreciate your kindness and generosity in Making Jesus and His Mother better known and loved.
Help us by reaching out to your friends and contacts and help us appeal for their support.
Make a generous donation towards Montfort Centre Ltd by:
a. Taking up a Table for four at $5,000 [CLOSED]
b. Taking one or more seats for the dinner at $1,500 per seat. [CLOSED]
c. Making a one-time donation to Montfort Centre.
d. Bidding for the donated painting on Emerald Hill by Suzanne Leong at a reserve price of $10,000 as a one-time contribution towards Montfort Centre. [CLOSED]