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Pray this Novena between two Feast Days: St. Louis Marie de Montfort (28 April) and Blessed Marie Louise Trichet (7 May)

♫  Opening Hymn (Optional)
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



V./  Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful 

R./  And enkindle in them the fire of your love.

V./  Lord, send forth your Spirit.

R./  And you will renew the face of the earth.


O God, who instructs the hearts of your faithful with the light of your Holy Spirit, make us responsive to his inspirations so that we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolations. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



Holy Virgin Mary,

here on earth you have lived a simple life, like us.

You have listened to the Word of God and you have believed it.

You know how difficult it is to do God’s will.

Help us to believe that God speaks to us through Jesus, his Son;

that God resides in our midst

through the love that we have for all men and women.

Show us your Son, Jesus. Open our hearts and our eyes,

That we may find him in this world where we live,

And that he may lead us to the love of his and our Father. Amen


I. Mary, most amiable daughter of God the Father

Our Father

L: Be glorified, Mary, most amiable daughter of God the Father.

A: We praise you because in you the works of God are manifested.

Hail Mary
L: We praise you, Mary,

A: Because God has chosen you to become the Mother of his Son.

Hail Mary

L: We praise you, Mary,

A: Because for the Kingdom of God, you followed Christ in virginity and total detachment.

Hail Mary

L: We praise you, Mary,

A: For you have assumed the privilege of your Immaculate Conception with such fidelity and love that Christs redemption found its fulfilment in your soul and body.

Hail Mary

L: We praise you, Mary,

A: For like a new Eve, you have put your life at the service of God for the redemption of the world.

Glory Be


II. Mary, Mother of the Son of God

Our Father

L: Be glorified, Mary, Mother of the Son of God.

A: We praise you for you have lived your vocation in faithful love.

Hail Mary

L: We thank you, Mary,

A: For you have given us the example of a lively faith, that listens to the Word of God and carries out his will.

Hail Mary

L: We thank you, Mary,

A: For you have shown us how our poor humanity can wholeheartedly aspire towards God’s promise.

Hail Mary

L: We thank you, Mary,

A: For you have set for us the example of a serviceable person, who carries out her love of God in her charity towards her neighbour.

Hail Mary

L: We thank you, Mary,

A: For you have set for us the example of a redeemed person, who accepts the Cross of Christ for the redemption of the world.

Glory Be


III. Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit

Our Father

L: Be glorified, Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

A: We praise you for you love us like an attentive Mother, who leads us, all through our lives, toward God our Father.

Hail Mary

L: We love you, Mary,

A: For the maternal love with which you surround the believers at their birth, and for the care that you display to ensure their growth to an adult life.

Hail Mary

L: We love you, Mary,

A: For you carry us in your heart as your children, and you intercede for us before Jesus, your Son.

Hail Mary

L: We love you, Mary,

A: For you are the Mother of the Church, seeking to assemble together all humanity in the one Christ.

Hail Mary

L: We love you, Mary,

A: For you are for us the sign of hope on our journey toward the Kingdom of God.

Glory Be



Reading and Reflection ​


Followed by a moment of Silent Prayer

Reading of Petitions and Thanksgiving




We fly to your patronage,

O holy Mother of God.

Despise not our petitions in our necessities,

But deliver us always from all dangers,

O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.


Let us pray for the Intention of our Holy Father Pope Francis 

Our Father



O Mary, Queen of all hearts,
Queen of the family, Queen of the home,
Your heart is the overflowing treasury of the graces of God;
Your heart is filled with the riches of the Mysteries of your Son;
Your heart truly believes that Nothing is impossible with God;
Your heart is the first to receive and welcome

The Lord of all glory into this world;
Your heart receives as children all of those redeemed by your Son.

We open our hearts to you. We open our home to you.
We invite you to reign as Queen of our Family.

O Mother so compassionate, O Queen so generous,
Strengthen, protect, and sustain our family in the goodness of true love;
In the difficulties and struggles of life, be our refuge.

In the joy and goodness of life, teach us to rejoice and give thanks to God;
Overcome all that threatens to separate us and preserve us in unity;
See the hidden and unspoken needs within our hearts

And in your goodness answer them.

O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we trust in you.
O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we hope in you.
O Mary, Queen of all hearts, we love you and we honour you.


♫  Closing Hymn to Our Lady




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