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Montfortian Experience Lenten Retreat: Wisdom is the Cross

On 3rd to 5th March 2023, Montfort Centre Singapore organised the Montfortian Experience Lenten Retreat: Wisdom is the Cross that spanned 3 days 2 nights. The retreat drew 15 people who were called to share in Jesus' suffering in his Cross. Joining the retreat as well, was a visiting priest of the Company of Mary, Fr Jefriandi Jedabu, SMM from Indonesia.

This retreat was facilitated by Montfortian Gabrielite Associates (MGA), Brian and Cynthia who are husband and wife. Through some prayerful activities, the retreatants were invited to look back on the crosses in their life and to name their crosses. In the group sharing sessions, they were able to listen and be present to each other. The final night was concluded with an adoration of the Cross session led by Br Dominic Yeo-Koh. The retreatants were asked to lay down their candles on the Cross and said a little prayer.

The Cross used in the adoration session was hand made by Matthew Poh, Montfort Centre Operations Officer. On the last day of the retreat, Matthew shared about how he was transformed in Christ through the making of the Cross. Many of the retreatants also shared how they found the retreat enriching. They learned that true wisdom is not to be found in the things of this world nor in the souls of those who live in comfort. It is none other than in the cross will we find Him. “He has so truly incorporated and united himself with the Cross that in all truth we can say: Wisdom is the Cross, and the Cross is Wisdom.” - Love of Eternal Wisdom 180

Here are some testimonies from the retreatants:

My first lenten retreat, but definitely not my last. Thank you to all organisers and facilitators, you all are part of my life as well that helped me.

Thank you dear team. It was a great start for me to get reconnected with the Lord of the Cross

The content of the retreat was perfect for me, put into words what i had struggled to understand about suffering. Thank you so much!



Montfort Centre is a spirituality centre established with the aim of promoting the spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. We conduct sessions in the Montfortian dynamism for those who are associated with St. Montfort.


624 Upper Bukit Timah Road Singapore 678212
Tel/WhatsApp: +65-67695711



9:00am to 5:00pm

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